I haven't used this blog much, but here's a quick entry for the start of the year.
Something went wrong with the Instagram block on the blog page, so I had to disable it for now.
With disorder in social media, I've been considering putting some limited user interactivity here, such as comments or a guestbook. I'm not totally sure I'm equipped to manage that, but it's a possibility.
I have a few big projects in the works, and a couple smaller ones as well. 2022 was a long and busy year, there's plenty of new art and writing coming this year.
Compressed files
I realized recently that when I built this gallery I used big uncompressed images, which is really not good for online, so I went through and replaced them with compressed (but still high quality) jpegs. Hopefully that makes it easier to use, especially mobile.
Welcome to the my new home page! Stay awhile and check out some art.
Demihuman Chronicles: Writing Blog
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 41: Things change
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 40: They meet someone else too
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 39: They meet the pig, I mean the marine biologist
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 38: Dresden comes back, but it’s awkward
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 37: That’s kind of gross
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 36: (Get it?)
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 35: It comes to blows
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 34: You’ll never guess what happens to that painting
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 33: Things are looking bad on a couple fronts
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 32: Bremen sees the whale and also some other things
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 31: Opening
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 30: “Gaoler” is pronounced like “jailer”
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 29: Have you noticed that the rich people have last names that are like first names
- Sing the Blue – Part 3: The West City – Chapter 28: The Cities et al. let their elbows get greasy
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 27: Karen Odom adjusts pretty well, all things considered
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 26: Beetroot can see his arms
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 25: Karen Odom should watch her mouth
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 24: Trash Avatar
- Sing the Blue – Part 2: The Divot – Chapter 23: Tent City to Rareston, Oklahoma
- Sing the Blue – Chapter 22: Torupo